7 Questions with Vern P.
Q: How does your industry background transfer to the home inspections training industry?
My forty-five years of involvement in the plumbing and heating field has led me to many transitions. As an apprentice, a red seal tradesman, an owner of a service-based business, and a college level trades instructor, I have designed and installed countless residential and commercial systems. Yet, I can still be surprised by system deficiencies in privately owned buildings. Most of these situations are either “inherited” from previous owners or from unqualified installations.
As an advocate of the home inspection process for thirty years, I initially received some resistance from vendors and realtors on my reports to prospective buyers as it was then considered a detrimental to a property sale. Fortunately, gone are the days when more research was put into buying a new car then the large purchase of a home. Today, the consumer relies on the best information possible to base their purchase decisions. A proper home inspection will assist with this.
Q: What made you want to get involved with the Canadian Institute of Home Inspectors?
I now find myself in a semi-retirement position and CIHI offers a great opportunity to use my knowledge as a mentor for those interested in the home inspection process.
Q: What are the challenges of putting together a national home inspector training program such as the one created by the Canadian Institute of Home Inspectors?
There is a great amount of information that must be “absorbed” regarding building systems. The format that CIHI utilizes allows participants the time to study the modules at their own pace and prepare themselves for “classroom” sessions when they feel ready.
Q: What was the most enjoyable part for you with your contribution to the development of the Canadian Institute of Home Inspectors.
I am a “late-comer” to the institute and had little to do with the module designs or program format, but I am looking forward to using my instructor skills and experience to present knowledgeable classroom discussions.
Q: If you could solve one trades related issue in Canada, what would it be?
An emphasis on using skilled labor associated with their trade to perform construction at all levels is priority. DIY shows on TV and UTube which can be misleading, are a great if all you need is a sledgehammer in your toolbox.
Q: What do you feel makes an effective training program for home inspections?
The ability to fulfill the legislative requirements of the title “Home Inspector”, and the ability for our graduates to search for proper resources when they encounter a questionable situation.
Q: Do you believe that the material written in the Canadian Institute of Home Inspectors is done in such a way that while comprehensive, it is not restrictive to an individual with limited trades experience?
I can only base my answer on the Plumbing module, but it has been put together in the same format used by college trade apprenticeship programs. It is designed for the entry level students with little or no trade experience. It contains the essential information need to understand the use of materials and concepts of plumbing system designs. I give it a “thumbs up”.